The End of Campaign Season

This Tuesday, November 8, is Election Day.  To every Second Ward voter, I respectfully request your vote for a term on the Plainfield City Council, and hope I have impressed you with my ideas.  I have not shied away from controversy, and indeed, I have sought it.  My adversary has given us fine service for the last 8 years, but I think I can do more, and it’s time to let someone else have a chance.   An all-Democratic Council cannot, by definition, have the “checks and balances” which our Federal and State Constitutions, and our City Charter, contemplate.

The most important parting thought I can send out is to note that, if elected, I would be the “swing vote” on the Council, which would have 3 Old Democrats and 3 New Democrats.  With such a role, I can promise not only a higher level of expertise and decision-making than Plainfield has seen for many years, but a high degree of entertainment as well.  In short, watching the Council, with me on it, will be refreshing.  Mayor Robinson-Briggs and Assemblyman Green, watch out!

Please also elect the best candidates for State Legislature: Joan Van Pelt, Jeff First and Michael Class, all of whom would be a big step up from the mediocrity of the current incumbents.  And likewise, vote for Andy Smith and Eddie Ortiz for Union County Freeholders.

I intend to keep this blog going indefinitely.  Indeed, win or lose, I may run for other offices later.  Anyone who would like to be on the e-mailing list, let me know.  For now, I urge everybody to vote for change in Plainfield.  We certainly need some of that.

About William H. Michelson

I'm running for the Plainfield City Council, 2nd Ward, on the GOP ticket. I'm a lawyer, and I'm also a planner. I have been heavily involved in local affairs for many years, including the Planning Board, and the Historic Preservation Commission (both are formal land-use boards with regulatory power), of which I am currently Vice-Chairman. I have restored two of Plainfield's grandest historic homes and have long been a leader in the historic preservation community. I'm an independent thinker and would be the first non-Democrat on the Council in years. That makes me the "checks and balances" candidate.
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